Where is the limit of patience, and what does it actually look like?
If I got such a question during a test in elementary school, I would probably draw the Grand Canyon (if, of course, I could make such a drawing at the age of about 10). The end of patience is a big gap in reality. It's a big boom. It is a load collected for weeks, months, and sometimes years, which - when you put your foot beyond this border - explodes. It explodes with all its impact without looking at all if you have a headache today or you see the dentist at 4 p.m.
The year 2020 decided to test our patience.
Month after month, successively checks how long we can last. And we will endure. Longing for breathing fully, long evenings over dinner in a restaurant, weekend trips, but also these longer. Hugging friends for good morning and for smells other than disinfectant liquid. For driving to work and the variety of news. But we'll hold on. And then? And then…
It will be the season again!
After all, the pandemic will not last forever, contrary to appearances. From between the numbers and days at the home office, reality leans out to us, and plans for the future are shyly waving from behind the Monster standing in the corner of the room. Let's think for a moment into the future, let's fantasize that journeys (both: small and large) return to normalcy as we know it, and a vacation planned in advance is proof of savings and pragmatism! Or boredom in quarantine. Both are good to think about the first trips for the next year (-> click here to read about our travel voucher) and feel like on a catamaran cruise, not on a couch in a tracksuit.